Post Setup Steps (Windows/Linux)

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Add the Qt bin directory to the _PATH_ environment variable:

  1. right-click _Computer_ and click _Properties_
  2. click _Advanced System Settings_ link in the left column
  3. in the _System Properties_ window click the _Environment Variables_ button
  4. add to the _PATH_ variable _C:\Qt\Qt5.4.2-opengl\bin_ (the qt bin path may differ depending on your installation)


Add Qt bin and lib directory to the environment variables

export PATH=$PATH:~/Qt/Qt5.3.2-opengl/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/Qt/Qt5.3.2-opengl/lib

Add mne-cpp bin and lib Directory to the environment variables

export PATH=$PATH:~/Git/mne-cpp/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/Git/mne-cpp/lib