Get the MNE-CPP source code

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Revision as of 11:19, 6 January 2016 by LorenzE (Talk | contribs)

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This page will show you how to find the latest MNE-CPP source code, install necessary development tools and fork/copy the code to your own Git Hub account:

  1. Fork the repository from the main repository (mne-tools/mne-cpp).
    1. Go to the Git Hub website and sign into your Git Hub account.
    2. Go to the MNE-CPP's Git Hub website.
    3. Click on the upper right Fork button. This will copy the main repository to your own Git Hub account. This is the code you can now work with, without breaking the project's main code.
  2. If Git is not installed on your local machine, download Git for Windows or Mac and install it.
  3. Clone your forked (Git Hub) repository to your local machine. There are two ways to do this:
    • Option 1 (for newcomer users): Make use of a Git GUI client, such as TortoiseGit (Windows) or Git-Cola (Windows, Linux, Mac). See below for a TortoiseGit screenshot guide:
    • Option 2 (for more experienced users): Make use of the Git commands via the command console.
  4. You now have the latest MNE-CPP source code on your remote Git Hub and local machine.