Get Qt

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This page will show how to dowload and install the latest Qt version.

  1. Download the current Qt version:
    1. Go to the Offline Installer section at the Qt download website.
    2. Select the appropriate version based on your compiler and development platform.
      • For example if you are using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Compiler on a Windows 32bit system, select the "Qt 5.5.1 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2013, 823 MB)" version.
  2. Install the Qt version with the minimum of the following features (uncheck all other boxes):
    • Qt/Qt x.x/Pre-compiled Qt (i.e. Qt 5.5/msvc2013 32-bit)
    • Qt/Qt x.x/Qt3D
    • Qt/Tools/QtCreator
  3. You now have the latest Qt version installed on your local machine.

If you want to start Qt based applications drectly from your file navigator (i.e. Windwos Explorer or Linux Nautilus), you will need to add the Qt bin folder to the environment variable. If you plan only to start the aplications directly from within the QtCreator you do not need to perform the following steps:

  • Windows:
    1. Right-click Computer and click Properties.
    2. Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
    3. In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
    4. Add to the PATH variable C:\Qt\Qt5.4.2-opengl\bin (the qt bin path may differ depending on your installation).
  • Linux:
    1. Add Qt bin and lib directory to the environment variables
      export PATH=$PATH:~/Qt/Qt5.3.2-opengl/bin
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/Qt/Qt5.3.2-opengl/lib